- Page Summary:
- Ohio Full Search title abstracting information in
- current property ownership
- prior property ownership
- legal description
- recording dates
- tax information and status
- encumbrance amounts
- open and satisfied mortgages
- assignments and modifications
- open and satisfied liens/releases
- open and satisfied judgments
- other open and satisfied encumbrances
- residential or commercial Ohio county parcel type
- search period
- * number of photocopy pages (see note below)
- customized search or reporting requests
Note: Prices for full searches below do not include copy costs. Ohio Title & Lien Search will not mark-up these costs, but we charge for them as an additional fee once research is completed and fees are tallied. These fees are charged by the Ohio county records offices or document records service, and generally start at $5 to $10 for the first page with a $1 fee for each subsequent page acquired. Depending on the number of transactions in the requested search period, this can result in fees as small as a few dollars and upwards to several hundred dollars. It's rare to exceed a few hundred dollars for 30+ year full searches in Ohio. The averages run $100 - $150.